I recently spoke at the Low Carb USA conference in San Diego. It was an amazing event with world-class speakers such as Gary Taubes, Dr Michael Eades, Dr Andreas Eenfeldt, Dr Jason Fung, Emily Maguire and more.
As you may know Dr Andreas Eenfeldt has the very best LCHF Membership site on his website Diet Doctor. My presentation from the conference is now available to view with membership or FREE trial.
I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts. This is what Dr Andreas Eenfeldt had to say:
What is it like being a sugar addict? And what is it like to struggle to break free from it?
In this presentation from the recent Low Carb USA conference Karen Thomson, former model and a recovering cocaine and sugar addict, talks about her personal journey to quitting sugar (and other drugs). For her a big part of the solution was starting to eat an LCHF diet.
It’s really one of the most powerful talks of the entire conference.
All my love,
“The Sugar Free Revolution was started to expose the addictive and toxic properties of refined and processed sugar and carbohydrates in our diets, and help people just like you to break their addiction, lose weight, and feel incredible again!”
– Karen Thomson, Founder of The Sugar Free Revolution